For physicians
For physicians

Medical App, which keeps your heart controlled by experts

Get your Apple Watch ECG recording evaluated by our Telemedicine centre.

Have a look how it works.

About the app

How we differ from other ECG apps

Supervised by experts

The ECG recordings are automatically sent to MDT - International Telemedicine Centre, where they are evaluated by arrhythmology experts - detection of irregularities is therefore professionally verified.

Detects all known arrhythmias

MDT watch app detects not only atrial fibrillation, but also other arrhythmias such as NSVT, ventricular extrasystoles, AV block, etc.

User friendly

Thanks to the app you have a constant overview, when a potential arrhythmia was detected, and you can then ask your physician for concrete advice.

Heart under control, wherever you are

During a regular ECG check-up by the physician, arrhythmia does not have to occur or persist. The time to detect it and start a treatment can be thus unnecessarily prolonged. Remote ECG monitoring by the smart watch app is a comprehensive but simple solution to quickly detect heart disorders.

Simple connection

Without unnecessary visits to the physician

Everything at one place

Improve the quality of your heart monitoring

Unlike other apps for ECG recording, we are not providing an automated monitoring of the heart, but process data which is professionally evaluated by arrhythmologists in near-real time.
Discover the app in AppStore
One-time payment
1,99 €
Evaluation of 1 ECG recording
1 consultation only
Monthly subscription
11,49 €
Evaluation of up to 30 ECGs per month
One comprehensive medical report per month

What is the price for using MDT Watch App?

Evaluation of one-time and monthly ECG recordings is available for everybody.
Try it out – one ECG recording will be evaluated free of charge, after you have downloaded the app.

For physicians

You want to have an on-line access to the ECG recordings of your patients? Just open an account and get access to the MDT web platform, where you can view all the records.
If you are interested to open this account, please contact us:
About us

Who we are

We are experts with long-term experience in ECG evaluation
The MDT watch app was developed under the guidance of Neuron Medical, which runs specialized medical centres for prevention and treatment of cardiologic disorders.

Our specialized centres
